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The Wildcat Way at Shepherdstown

Shepherdstown Students Do Things
The Wildcat Way!!
Rules and procedures have been established in our building because all students deserve to learn and grow in a positive environment. All students are expected to behave appropriately at all times. This includes traveling to and from school, on a bus or a van, and when attending school-sponsored events.

The Shepherdstown staff is dedicated to fostering a positive environment through the use of our school-wide behavior plan, known as the Wildcat Way. In addition to school rules and procedures, this plan provides many opportunities for students to practice appropriate behaviors and be acknowledged for making good choices.

Some highlights of the Wildcat Way:
  • Wildcat Way Days—Students learn and practice procedures for the lunchroom, restrooms, and recess. Additionally, students are introduced to the many ways they benefit from and can be rewarded by making good behavior choices.
Shepherdstown Rules and Procedures:
Wildcat Way School Rules
C    Communicate with Respect
A    Act Responsible
T    Take on Challenges
S    Stay Safe

What you should know about Behavior Notifications…

We are excited to share all the great successes that your child is having in school, but we also ask for your help when improvement is needed. Your role in this learning process is crucial. If you are contacted by your child’s teacher or receive a behavior information notice form, the following steps will make this a positive learning experience for your child:
  • Please read through and talk with your child about the office or bus referral.
  • Use the student reflection information to discuss how to make positive changes so the behavior does not continue.
  • Have your child return it to his/her teacher the next day.
  • Contact the school if you feel more information is needed or you would like suggestions on ways to improve the behavior.
  • Always keep in mind student success is our common goal, and we are here to help!

We appreciate your support of our efforts to make Shepherdstown a positive learning environment for all students every day!!